Women are uncomfortable Discussing her Vagina

On Jumat, 01 April 2011 / By Fety Kusumanugraha / Reply
 Women are uncomfortable Discussing her Vagina
Even women in developed countries still do not have deep knowledge about reproductive health. Just like in Indonesia, talks on this subject still considered taboo.
A 1607 survey followed by women aged 14-35 years in the United States and Canada, shows interesting facts about reproduction. More than 56 percent associate the health of the vagina with sex, and only 2 out of 5 women (43 percent) associate it with pregnancy or fertility. As many as 27 percent of women admitted to not knowing what was going on when getting his first menstruation, and 37 percent believe that tampons can be "lost" in the vagina.

The survey, conducted by Kotex, sanitary napkins, also found that there are still many women who feel embarrassed discussing vaginal health. The study, written by Nancy Redd, author of Body Drama, Dr. Tomi-Ann Roberts, PhD, and Dr. aliza Lifshitz, MD, said the problems surrounding the vagina, among others, about menstruation, uterine cancer, to sexually transmitted diseases.
The majority of women surveyed believe that such topics do not need to talk about, and about a quarter think that talking about the topic around the vagina is too open. Not surprisingly, 60 percent of women and then retrieve that information through the internet (which is not necessarily true), and 30 percent discuss it with friends. When discussing it with my friends too, women tend to view them as jokes and materials (59 percent). In fact, they would use slang to replace the word "vagina" (53 percent).
Yet, still according to this study, shame that plagued the women (on the reproductive organs) affect the way women view themselves. Those with low self confidence tend to think their vaginas are bad, and felt dirty when the menstrual period. Conversely, women who are smart and not ashamed to discuss topics surrounding the vagina tend to have a positive body image, and satisfied with their confidence.
They were also satisfied with the ability to express themselves.

Nevertheless, the women surveyed said girls need to be given more in-depth stock of menstrual and reproductive health. They also demanded a more realistic picture of reproductive education.
Source : Kompas.com
Posted by Fety