Miss V would Landscape After Childbirth?

On Jumat, 01 April 2011 / By Fety Kusumanugraha / Reply
 Miss V would Landscape After Childbirth?

A normal delivery and have a healthy child is the dream of all women. No matter how much pain the birth process followed, gave birth normally give the feeling whole as a woman. However, it also raises some concerns in women and their partners. Could it be widened due to the size of the vagina into the birth canal for the baby?

Your doctor probably will not deny this concern. "After giving birth, the vaginal opening will be 1-4 cm larger than before," said Bruce Rosenzweig, MD, director uroginekologi at Rush University Medical Center, Chicago.
Is the vagina will go back to size after you undergo prenatal period of healing, depending on the size of the baby, how long you push, how your obstetrician abilities in sewing the vagina that has been torn back, and ... how diligent you are doing Kegel exercises afterwards.
"If you do Kegel exercises to strengthen vaginal muscles, the result is definitely better," said Millicent Comrie, MD, founder and media director of the Long Island College Center for Women's Health in Brooklyn.
In other words, the vagina is stretched, but can return to its normal size with certain conditions. Moreover, if the doctor could sew neatly and carefully, "The result could be even better than before," said Comrie.
Well, if you've never given birth several times, of course you need to make vagina muscles tighter than you get by practicing Kegel. If this is so important to you, or indeed already disturb the comfort or your health, ask your obstetrician to perform the reconstruction of the vagina (perineoplasty or vaginoplasty). This action can help lift and tighten the muscles relax at the opening of the vagina and the deeper part.
Source : Kompas.com
Posted by Fety