Wash fluid Ms. V, is it safe?

On Jumat, 01 April 2011 / By Fety Kusumanugraha / Reply

Wash fluid Ms. V, is it safe?

Cleaning the vagina with an antiseptic fluid is now more often made of women. The reason is diverse, there is for health, but more for reasons of "cosmetic", ie for Ms. V became rough and fragrant. 

Actually the vagina has a self cleaning mechanism, ie with normal bacterial colonies that maintain the balance of microorganisms in and around vital tool. However, this balance may be disturbed by the behavior of women themselves. For example the use of tights that causes disturbed vaginal moisture at the same time enrich the harmful bacteria. 

Drug vaginal washing, according to Dr. Hendro Sudarpo SpOG, obstetrics and gynecology expert Siloam Hospital Lippo Village, may be used. However, for everyday use, he does not recommend selecting an antiseptic product. 

"The use of antiseptics can kill the natural flora in the vagina and can disrupt the atmosphere of acid into a base. As a result, the bacteria that are helpful even die," said a doctor Hendro. 

He added, acidity (pH), vaginal normal is 3.5 to 4.5. When the acidity of the vagina is not balanced, other germs such as fungi and bacteria even had a chance to live in that place so that it appears other diseases, such as infection. The use of disinfectant should only be when there are indications, for example, whiteness. That, too, should your doctor's advice.

Not all women can use drugs vaginal washing, for example, women who have a tendency allergic to chemicals. Risky drug use washing can make a wound in the vaginal wall. These chemical substances cause irritation when in contact with the cervix or the inner vaginal wall. As a result, instead of net, even cause a new wound that can invite the infection. 

To clean the vagina of everyday, do it with warm water and soap is not too high soda content. That was a pretty mouth cleaned the outside of the vagina.
Source : kompas.com
Posted by Fety