Timlo, special culinary Solo, Central Java

On Kamis, 05 Mei 2011 / By Fety Kusumanugraha / Reply

Timlo, special culinary Solo
Let us try culinary in Solo, central java ....

Timlo is typical culinary city of Solo, Central Java, the contents of which pieces of chicken meat, chicken jerohan like liver, gizzard, sausage pieces solo, Soya
sauce chicken eggs, with a sauce similar to the soup and fried onions sprinkled on top. Usually timlo presented along with a serving of hot rice. Broth was amazing, a savory chicken broth flavor will shine through the scent, and if eaten beauty will wrap our oral cavity.

Timlo famous in Solo is the place Timlo Sastro behind Market Gedhe Solo.

Basically a solo timlo taste like soup. But what distinguishes the other soup ingredients. Rice timlo not use vegetables.
And materials that can only be found in the rice timlo, not in another soup, which is sausage solo (a type of spring roll with chicken content). Besides rice timlo use a sweet soy sauce egg, most other soup (using eggs) using ordinary boiled egg.
Enjoy ...
Posted by Fety "Kampung Artikel"