Drain Toxins with Asparagus

On Jumat, 18 Februari 2011 / By Fety Kusumanugraha / Reply

Drain Toxins with Asparagus 

Nutritional content of asparagus is excellent. These vegetables help the growth of children, avert degenerative diseases, and can be pleasing.
The name asparagus directly taken from the Latin language, that is Asparagus officinalis belonging to the family and genus Asparagus Asparagaceae. In Greek, called aspharagos asparagus, is in Persian language, known as asparag which means grow. 

Asparagus is a kind of vegetable plants that are married the two. That is, this plant is a male and one female. Asparagus originated and widely planted in the United States, particularly North America, including the Valley of California, Sacramento, New Jersey, South Carolina, and Illinois. Asparagus bamboo shoots taken as a vegetable is a large white bamboo shoots, soft, and fat. 

Land needed by the vegetable is asparagus plateau with an altitude of 600-900 m above sea level. Asparagus can grow optimally at temperatures between 15-25 degrees Celsius with rainfall fairly numerous and evenly distributed throughout the year, ranging from 2500-3000 mm / year. 

Therefore, the main requirement should land plateau, cool temperate, and near sources of water for water in dry season needs fulfilled. Areas such as the above conditions are rarely found in Indonesia. 

Prevent Osteoporosis

  Asparagus is usually served boiled and steamed. In the Netherlands, asparagus is usually presented in the form of pasta. In addition, asparagus is usually oiled with olive oil and eaten with cheese. Asparagus is preferred that the form is not too long. In Indonesia, the asparagus is usually presented in the form of crab soup. 

Asparagus is one type of vegetable which has a very good nutritional value. Nutritional content of asparagus can be seen in the table. Asparagus is a source of vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin A which is excellent.
Consumption of 1 cup of asparagus to meet the 114.8 percent of the body's vitamin C every day. Vitamin K is useful for prothrombin expenditure needed for blood clotting. 

In addition, vitamin K is also necessary for bone formation and repair. Vitamin K can help the synthesis of osteocalcin which can help prevent osteoporosis.
Vitamin K plays an important role in the intestinal tract and helps convert glucose into glycogen to be stored in the liver. Lack of vitamin K can cause bleeding gums, nose, intestines, and urinary tract. 

Levels of folic acid in asparagus reached 262.8 meg per cup. According to The George Mateljan Foundation, the consumption of 1 cup of asparagus has been able to meet 65.7 percent of the body's need for folic acid every day. 

Nature Diuretics 

 Asparagus can be served hot or cold. However, the process should avoid using iron cookware because the content of tannin will react with iron and cause color changes in asparagus. Asparagus is good to have a circular shape. White asparagus has a more delicate flavor than green asparagus. In today's market there are also purple asparagus which felt more like fruit than white or green asparagus. 

To produce the best flavor, asparagus consumption should be done a day or two days after purchase. Asparagus should be stored in refrigerator (refrigerators). Avoid lighting the lamp or sunlight during storage because it will damage the structure of folic acid in asparagus. 

Asparagus has a very good diuretic properties. This is because the content of the amino acid asparagine in it. Diuretic properties can be used to drain the toxic component (toxin) that is in the body, namely via the urine.

However, excessive consumption of asparagus can cause the urine (urine) to smells. This is because a combination of methyl mercaptan with S-methyl-thioacrylate and S-methyl-3-(methylthio) thiopropionate.
People with gout or uric acid are advised to not consume excessive asapargus. This is because the content is quite high purinnya. 

Friends of Heart

  Asparagus also favored as a food rich in tryptophan, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, manganese, food fiber, copper, phosphorus, potassium, and protein (very good category.) Another nutrient that is potentially enough iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and calcium (good category). 

Asparagus is rich in tryptophan are usually widely available in animal products like meat and eggs. Tryptophan is an amino acid-producing serotonin, a hormone to relax the nerves in the central brain. That is why, serotonin is also often referred to as hormone sleeper. 

Tryptophan also serves to change the mood, the food that enters the body has a chemical reaction that can affect the feelings produced by the brain. When feeling positive, life was much happier. 

In addition, asparagus is also rich in B complex vitamins and some minerals that are beneficial for the body. Fiber content also belong to the category of excellent. 

Fiber has benefits for lowering blood cholesterol levels by inhibiting absorption of fat or cholesterol in the colon, so that blood cholesterol levels are not increased.

Source : Kompas.com
Posted and translated by Fety